Friday, April 13, 2012


Can you take tablets that contain codeine into Singapore? Like Nurofen plus or mercyndol with calmative?

Being a night flight and having a problem back i sometimes take one, but I know in Bali you can not take anything in that contains codeine.



According to a Wiki entry

Codine is a class B controlled drug, so you will need a doctors prescription.


Totally agree with above.

Codeine is definitely a prescribed drug, so you need a doc%26#39;s prescription. Better to have one ready, on hand for all the medication you need. You really don%26#39;t want to risk it in Singapore.

I am just like you so I always carry a letter from my doctor advising of the medication that I was carrying with me. I have been to Singapore 3 times and have never been asked about the medication I was bringing in.

Just to let you know you can purchase panadeine over the counter at pharmacies but you are only allowed to purchase a very small amount at a time. Unfortunately I ran out of panadeine so I had to purchase some. One place I went to wanted my passport, I didn%26#39;t have it and said I only had my Aust. driver%26#39;s license so she took my details off my license. They have to report to the authorities how much codeine they sell. Another chemist didn%26#39;t ask for ID.

I had an interesting conversation with a pharmacist at Christmas time and she said she was amazed at the number of Australian tourists who came in asking for panadeine. Not sure though if you can purchase Mersyndol.

Have a great holiday.


I have my name on the medication bottles/boxes that i take like Bp tablets but no can see they are prescribed to me though.

Not going to go just to get one for Mersyndol, as you can buy over the counter here.......will just buy some panadeine if i need.

Codeine is an opiate so subject to controlled status in many many countries. Several do let it go over the counter to some extent when mixed with other medication, but many do not.

This is the SIngapore Health Sciences Authority website page for importing medicine for personal use.…

There is a shorter FAQ here, which covers the first section which for tourists seems more flexible.…faqs.html

If when they say %26#39;Prescription only%26#39; they accept that said med is OTC in your country then it might be OK, however you would have to email and ask that question. However, I doubt it would work like that.

If not then it looks like a letter/prescription from the doc might do it - although the bit in Section 3 from the main page mentioning controlled medicines does list Codeine in Appendix A suggests to me that you%26#39;d actually have to go through the import license route, or find it easier to buy from a pharmacy in Singapore as described by previous posters, or find an alternative OTC drug.

Note, essentially Im looking at the relevant website and thinking it through, rather than knowing the answer. The only people who can give you a definitive answer would be the HSA in Singapore since they obviously control drugs there. That FAQ gives email and phone contact details and the best thing to do is contact them and ask the status of the meds for import or if they are purchasable in the country....make sure you are pointing out its not pure codeine tablets you are asking for but the low quantity mixed tablets (ideally quote the absolute quantity per tablet in the stuff you want to bring in and the other components and quantities) - Keep the email and take a copy with you.

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