Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wedding Anniversary

We%26#39;re travelling to Singapore en-route to Thailand and will be there for a weekend in April.

The Sunday is our 12th wedding anniversary. Any ideas for a nice romantic day? We want to eat well and sample some local flavours.

Wedding Anniversary…

but if u want some names :

Saint Pierre - French restaurant in Central Mall offers authentic French cuisine.

Indochine Waterfront - Classy restaurant with a grand view of the Raffles Place skyline.

Da Paolo e Judie - Flagship restaurant of the Da Paolo chain, located near Chinatown.

San Marco (fullerton, great view)

The Cliff (Sentosa Spa %26amp; Resort, great view)

Au Jardin (Botanic Garden)

Jewel Box offers a few restaurants with views and romantic setting

Desire (Scarlet hotel)

Good Luck

Wedding Anniversary

local flavors :

Glutton Bay (although a hawker center setting but it is by the water and food is good)

East Coast Seafood Center (dine by the water)…

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